Ahdaaf » Arabian Gulf League https://ahdaaf.me Your Gateway to Middle Eastern Football Fri, 27 Dec 2019 20:34:35 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=4.3.22 https://ahdaaf.me/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/Ahdaaf-logo-square.jpg » Arabian Gulf League https://ahdaaf.me 32 32 تحليل تكتيكي : الجزيرة 2-0 العين https://ahdaaf.me/2017/03/10/%d8%aa%d8%ad%d9%84%d9%8a%d9%84-%d8%aa%d9%83%d8%aa%d9%8a%d9%83%d9%8a-%d8%a7%d9%84%d8%ac%d8%b2%d9%8a%d8%b1%d8%a9-2-0-%d8%a7%d9%84%d8%b9%d9%8a%d9%86/ https://ahdaaf.me/2017/03/10/%d8%aa%d8%ad%d9%84%d9%8a%d9%84-%d8%aa%d9%83%d8%aa%d9%8a%d9%83%d9%8a-%d8%a7%d9%84%d8%ac%d8%b2%d9%8a%d8%b1%d8%a9-2-0-%d8%a7%d9%84%d8%b9%d9%8a%d9%86/#comments Fri, 10 Mar 2017 07:20:05 +0000 https://ahdaaf.me/?p=9088 قمة الجولة الحادية و العشرين من منافسات دوري الخليج العربي شهدت انتصار “العنكبوت” الجزيرة المهم على “الزعيم” العين، الانتصار الذي]]> قمة الجولة الحادية و العشرين من منافسات دوري الخليج العربي شهدت انتصار “العنكبوت” الجزيرة المهم على “الزعيم” العين، الانتصار الذي قرب الجزيرة من تحقيق لقب الدوري الاماراتي للمرة الثانية في تاريخه.  رجال المدرب هينك تين كات تقدموا في صدارة ترتيب الدوري الاماراتي ب 53 نقطة، فيما اقترب الاهلي من الصدارة ب44 نقطة بعد الفوز على الجزيرة في الاسبوع الماضي و يليهما العين و الوصل على 43 نقطة.

تشكيلة الفريقين


دخل العين بتشكيلة غريبة نوعا ما، حيث لم يبدأ المباراة بمهاجم صريح مثل ناصر الشمراني او يوسف احمد. بل بالعكس، اعتمد على عمر عبدالرحمن في خانة الهجوم ليلعب كمهاجم وهمي، حيث يتحرك خارج الصندوق لتخريب منظومة الجزيرة الدفاعية. و حاول الجزيرة ايقاف خطورة العين التي اتت عن طريق دخول الاجنحة كايو و اسبريلا الى منطقة الجزاء، عبر اللعب بثلاثي في خط الوسط لحماية هذه المساحات. اما هجومياً، فكان الجزيرة بدون خطة واضحة في الشوط الاول رغم التوزيع المناسب بين المهاجمين حيث لعب بوصوفة و ليوناردو خلف مبخوت.

عمر عبدالرحمن في دوره الجديد – المهاجم الوهمي

تساءل الكثيرون: لماذا؟ لماذا لم يلعب زوران بمهاجم صريح رغم وجود اللاعب السعودي ناصر الشمراني في صفوف الفريق؟ و لماذا، على الاقل، لم يزج بيوسف احمد -رغم قلة خبرتة في الفريق- ليكون هنالك مهاجم صريح و مهدد لمرمى الجزيرة؟ العين يملك جناحين مميزين، كايو بالاخص من ناحية المراوغة و التهديف و اسبريلا بالمهارة و السرعة. كايو في عمر صغير، و في المستقبل قد يكون افضل الاجانب في دورينا، لكنه يحتاج للتطور من ناحية الاستمرارية على تقديم المستوى المطلوب في نجاح لمسته الاخيرة. لكن فكرة زوران “نظرياً” كانت مميزة و لولا ابداع علي خصيف و استهتار اسبريلا بالاضافة الى كايو، لرأينا نتيجة مختلفة .. ربما.

فكرة عمر عبدالرحمن في خانة الهجوم ذكية. لكن ماهو الغرض خلف هذا القرار؟

مدافعي دورينا يتقدمون من خط الدفاع بسهولة و هذه من أسوأ المشاكل الدفاعية هنا.

عمر ليس مهاجماً صريحاً، و لا يملك مواصفات مهاجم “البوكس”. لذلك من الواضح انه سيتحرك بالاتجاه العكس، بعيداً عن منطقة الجزاء. و مع ميل المدافعين لمراقبة اللاعبين man to man يخرجون من خط الدفاع و هذا يؤدي الى تخريب المنظومة و عدم وجود النظام، فيدخل الجناحان الى العمق لاستغلال المساحات التي تظهر اثر تحرك عمر…لكن الاستهتار ادى الى عدم نجاح هذه الفكرة.

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الجزيرة يراقب خيارات العين في وسط الملعب، لكن..

تشكيلة الجزيرة الضيقة التي كانت بدون جناحين على الاطراف، هدفت لمنع العين من بناء اللعب عبر قلب الملعب حيث يتواجد احمد برمان و لي بالاضافة الى محمد عبدالرحمن. مبخوت، ليوناردو و بوصوفة راقبوا قلبي دفاع العين + احمد برمان، بينما ركز الثلاثي في الوسط على منع الكرة من الوصول الى محمد عبدالرحمن، لي، و عمر عبدالرحمن كذلك.

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لكن جودة اسماعيل احمد في بناء اللعب + المساحات الكبيرة التي كانت موجودة على الاطراف بسبب عدم وجود اجنحة في تشكيلة الجزيرة ادت الى تمريرات قطرية الى الاطراف، و هذه الفكرة كانت ناجحة نوعاً ما لكن لاعبين العين لم يستغلوا الفرص لتسجيل الهدف الاول على الجزيرة.

دخول الميدا يغير وضع الجزيرة الهجومي

دخل الميدا و لعب مع مبخوت في خط الهجوم، لكنه كان يسقط الى خط الوسط في بعض الاوقات لاستلام الكرة، و بعدها يجري اتجاه مدافعين العين بسرعة قبل ارسال تمريرات بينية الى المهاجمين او ارجاع الكرة الى محمد جمال لبناء اللعب. الجزيرة اصبح متنوعاً في الهجوم و لديه خيارات اكثر هناك، و حينما ارسل علي خصيف كرات طويلة الى الهجوم في الدقائق الاخيرة نجح الجزيرة في التفوق على مدافعي العين و استغلوا الاخطاء المتكررة، حيث سجل الجزيرة هدفين في الدقائق المتبقية عن طريق الهداف علي مبخوت ليحلق بصدارة دوري الخليج العربي.

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https://ahdaaf.me/2017/03/10/%d8%aa%d8%ad%d9%84%d9%8a%d9%84-%d8%aa%d9%83%d8%aa%d9%8a%d9%83%d9%8a-%d8%a7%d9%84%d8%ac%d8%b2%d9%8a%d8%b1%d8%a9-2-0-%d8%a7%d9%84%d8%b9%d9%8a%d9%86/feed/ 0
تحليل تكتيكي : الوصل 2-1 الوحد https://ahdaaf.me/2017/02/03/%d8%aa%d8%ad%d9%84%d9%8a%d9%84-%d8%aa%d9%83%d8%aa%d9%8a%d9%83%d9%8a-%d8%a7%d9%84%d9%88%d8%b5%d9%84-2-1-%d8%a7%d9%84%d9%88%d8%ad%d8%af/ https://ahdaaf.me/2017/02/03/%d8%aa%d8%ad%d9%84%d9%8a%d9%84-%d8%aa%d9%83%d8%aa%d9%8a%d9%83%d9%8a-%d8%a7%d9%84%d9%88%d8%b5%d9%84-2-1-%d8%a7%d9%84%d9%88%d8%ad%d8%af/#comments Fri, 03 Feb 2017 13:42:15 +0000 https://ahdaaf.me/?p=8870 انتصر فريق الوصل على نظيره الوحدة في مباراة التي جمعت بين الفريقين تحت اجواء ممطرة في اماراة دبي من]]> انتصر فريق الوصل على نظيره الوحدة في مباراة التي جمعت بين الفريقين تحت اجواء ممطرة في اماراة دبي من منافسات الجولة السابعة عشرة من دوري الخليج العربي الاماراتي. المدربين رودولفو اروابارينا (الوصل) و خافيير اجيري (الوحدة) طرحا افكارهما التكتيكية ببراعة خلال هذه المباراة، لكن تفوق الاول في النهاية بعد ايجاد طريقة لتجنب الضغط الوحداوي المنظم في الملعب..

تشكيلة الفريقين

Wasl Wahda

الوصل بدون خليل خميس لكن ليما و وحيد عوضا عن غيابه في الشوط الاول

من بعد رحيل هوغو فيانا عن الوصل كان واضح ان الامبراطور سيعاني في بناء الهجمات من الخلف. لكن التعاقد مع خليل خميس من نادي الفجيرة بالاضافة الى تطوير دور قلب الدفاع و القائد وحيد اسماعيل اعطى الوصل الافضلية في بناء اللعب على خصومه. و الافضل من ذلك هو المدرب الذي يملك فكر تكتيكي مميز و يعلم كيفية استخدام قدرات اللاعبين للتفوق على الخصم..

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في الشوط الاول ليما دخل الى العمق اكثر من البقاء في العرض. السبب الاول كان لمساعدة لاعبي الوسط على بناء اللعب و الثاني لسحب محمد سيف، ظهير الوحدة الايسر، الى العمق لفتح مساحات لياسر سالم في العرض.

الوصل يستهدف المساحات على الاطراف

مهاجم الوصل كايو لم يكن مهاجم ثابت في هذه المباراة و دوره في اغلب المباريات يكون التحرك الدائم في خط الهجوم لارباك مدافعي الخصم. لكن هذه المباراة كانت من الافضل له هذا الموسم و ساهم في صناعة هدف ليما الاول، و رونالدو الثاني.

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تحرك كايو الى العرض يساهم في لفت انتباه مدافعي الخصم الى العرض، و مع هذا التحرك يدخل ليما بهدوء الى العمق لاستغلال المساحات الموجودة و تسجيل الاهداف.

الوحدة يتلقى هدف … لكنه يرجع عبر الضغط العالي و المنظم

في تقديمي لتكيكات اندية دوري الخليج العربي هذا الموسم وضحت مبدئ من مبادئ الوحدة تكتيكياً و هو الضغط العالي الذي ليس موجود عند بقية اندية دورينا. من الصعب ان تتألق مع هذه الطريقة خاصةً في الاجواء الحارة، لذلك في هذه المباراة استخدم اجيري الضغط العالي.

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و ساهم هذا الضغط في تحقيق هدف الوحدة الاول ..

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رودولفو اروابارينا و روح الفهود ..

الفريق الذي يريد بطولة الدوري عليه ان يفوز في الدقائق القاتلة و عليه ان يعود من الفورمة السيئة و عليه ان يقلب النتيجة اكثر من مرة لثبات قوة الفريق ليس فقط تكتيكياً بل ذهنياً. بعد قلب النتيجة امام النصر، سجل فريق الوصل في الدقيقة الاخيرة عبر رونالدو مينديز لتحقيق الفوز. لكن السؤال هو، كيف تفوق اروابارينا على ضغط الوحدة؟

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الوصل يوجه اللعب الى الجهة اليمنى في اخر ثلث ساعة

دخل خليل خميس الى تشكيلة الفريق ، و ما زال وحيد موجود لصناعة اللعب من العمق. حرر رودولفو المبدع فابيو ليما لمواجهة ظهير الوحدة 1v1 واحد ضد واحد و للعب الكرات الى منطقة الجزاء. سجل الوصل هدفين، لكن كلاهما كانا في موقف تسلل.

في الدقيقة الاخيرة من المباراة كايو تحرك الى العرض (نفس حركة الهدف الاول) و عرقل عن طريق لاعب الوحدة. قام الحكم بحسب ركلة حرة لفريق الوصل، و سجل رونالدو مينديز منها.

https://ahdaaf.me/2017/02/03/%d8%aa%d8%ad%d9%84%d9%8a%d9%84-%d8%aa%d9%83%d8%aa%d9%8a%d9%83%d9%8a-%d8%a7%d9%84%d9%88%d8%b5%d9%84-2-1-%d8%a7%d9%84%d9%88%d8%ad%d8%af/feed/ 0
تحليل تكتيكي : الاهلي 1-2 العين https://ahdaaf.me/2017/01/29/%d8%aa%d8%ad%d9%84%d9%8a%d9%84-%d8%aa%d9%83%d8%aa%d9%8a%d9%83%d9%8a-%d8%a7%d9%84%d8%a7%d9%87%d9%84%d9%8a-1-2-%d8%a7%d9%84%d8%b9%d9%8a%d9%86/ https://ahdaaf.me/2017/01/29/%d8%aa%d8%ad%d9%84%d9%8a%d9%84-%d8%aa%d9%83%d8%aa%d9%8a%d9%83%d9%8a-%d8%a7%d9%84%d8%a7%d9%87%d9%84%d9%8a-1-2-%d8%a7%d9%84%d8%b9%d9%8a%d9%86/#comments Sun, 29 Jan 2017 12:22:35 +0000 https://ahdaaf.me/?p=8853 قمة الجولة السادسة عشرة بين فريقي الاهلي و العين ضمن منافسات دوري الخليج العربي انتهت بفوز الزعيم على الفرسان ٢-١،]]> قمة الجولة السادسة عشرة بين فريقي الاهلي و العين ضمن منافسات دوري الخليج العربي انتهت بفوز الزعيم على الفرسان ٢-١، حيث تفوق المدرب المؤقت جوسيب سبانجيتش على نظيره الروماني كوزمين اولاريو في مباراة هادئة خلال بداياتها و مثيرة في نهاياتها. هذا المقال سيحتوي على الافكار التكتيكية التي طرحها المدربان الاجنبيان في هذه المباراة. 

تشكيلة الفريقين


تشكيلة الفريقين

عمر عبدالرحمن ، مهاجم وهمي :

في السنوات الماضية رأينا عودة “المهاجم الوهمي” و المثال الأبرز لهذا المركز هو المبدع ليونيل ميسي تحت قيادة بيب غوارديولا، و في الآونة الاخيرة زلاتكو طبق نفس الفكرة مع صانع الالعاب عمر عبدالرحمن .. دوره بالضبط التحرك الى الخلف لسحب مدافعين الاهلي من خط الدفاع و خلق مساحات لكايو و اسبريلا

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وسط الاهلي ، متحرك هجومياً و منضبط دفاعياً:

التحركات المستمرة عن طريق الحمادي، ريبيرو، حبيب الفردان و وليد  حسين اربكت دفاعات العين خلال الشوط الاول لكن عندما خسر الاهلي الكرة أرجعوا اللاعبين الى البلوك الدفاعي بسرعة لايقاف خطورة العين

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هذا كان السبب الرئيسي لعدم تألق اسبريلا و كايو في الشوط الأول، لأن الخيارات كانت مغلقة و العين لم يملك صانع العاب في ظل غياب عامر عبدالرحمن بالاضافة الى وجود عمر عبدالرحمن (صانع ألعاب العين الاساسي) في خط الهجوم. الارتكاز ماجد حسن تواجد في وسط كل شيء لتنظيم منظومة الاهلي لمراقبة مهاجمين العين و عدم اعطائهم الحرية للتحرك.

الاهلي يسيطر على مجريات الشوط الاول:

بلا شك، الاهلي كان افضل بالكرة في الشوط الاول حيث استخدم ماجد حسن قدراته في التحكم على الكرة و التمركز في مناطق جيدة لفتح مساحات خلف خط وسط العين. سقوط اللاعب الى خط الدفاع لمساعدة المدافعين على بناء الهجمات من الخلف مهم لأنه يعطي الاهلي قوة في الدفاع وايضاً يجذب لاعبي العين مما يوسع المسافة بين هجوم و وسط العين.

عندما نجح ماجد حسن في فتح المساحات عادت الكرة الى ماجد ناصر لكن الاخير لم يكن جيدا في استلام الكرة و لذلك كانت تمريرته سيئة و استرجع العين الكرة بسهولة، لكن نظرياً هذه الطريقة كانت الانسب لاختراق خطوط العين. السبب يعود الى  محاولات الاهلي لعزل احمد برمان عن بقية خط الوسط، و تطبيق التفوق العددي عليه عبر الحمادي، الفردان و ريبيرو.

العين يلجأ الى المرتدات و يستغل المساحات خلف دفاع الاهلي:

فعلاً، العين استفاد من وجود عموري كمهاجم وهمي لانه اجبر مدافعي الاهلي على متابعته في الملعب. هذا ادى الى تحرير كايو على الجهة اليسرى ليهدد مرمى الاهلي اكثر من مرتين في اخر ثلث ساعة من المباراة، و سجل في الوقت بدل عن الضائع ليسرق العين النقاط من يد غريمه الاهلي.

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اللقطة الاولى: ثلاثة لاعبين يراقبون عمر بينما يجري كايو الى المساحة الخالية ..


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اللقطة الثانية: عمر عبدالرحمن يلفت انتباه مدافعي الاهلي، و ناصر الشمراني يجري الى المساحة الخالية ..

https://ahdaaf.me/2017/01/29/%d8%aa%d8%ad%d9%84%d9%8a%d9%84-%d8%aa%d9%83%d8%aa%d9%8a%d9%83%d9%8a-%d8%a7%d9%84%d8%a7%d9%87%d9%84%d9%8a-1-2-%d8%a7%d9%84%d8%b9%d9%8a%d9%86/feed/ 0
2016/17 ARABIAN GULF LEAGUE PREVIEW https://ahdaaf.me/2016/09/16/201617-arabian-gulf-league-preview/ https://ahdaaf.me/2016/09/16/201617-arabian-gulf-league-preview/#comments Fri, 16 Sep 2016 10:04:00 +0000 https://ahdaaf.me/?p=8692 League format

14 teams

Continental Competition Qualification – How it works

Relegation to First Division

President’s Cup format

14 AGL sides + 2 First]]>
League format

  • 14 teams

Continental Competition Qualification – How it works

League PositionContinental Competition QualificationCompetition StageCompetition Edition
WinnersAsian Champions League (ACL) / Club World CupGroup Stage / Undecided2018
Runner-UpACLGroup Stage2018
3rd PlaceACLPlay-Off2018
President's Cup WinnersACLGroup Stage2018

Relegation to First Division

League PositionPassage of RelegationDivision Relegated To
13thAutomatic RelegationUAE First Division
14thAutomatic RelegationUAE First Division

President’s Cup format

  • 14 AGL sides + 2 First Division sides that qualified from preliminary round play in Round of 16
  • followed by quarters, semis and final

Arabian Gulf Cup format

  • 14 AGL teams split between two groups
  • Top two of each group qualify for semi-final
  • Semi-final winners qualify for the final

Squad rules and regulations

  • Playing XI limited to four foreign players (one Asian and three others of any nationality)




Manager: Cosmin Olaroiu (Romania)

2015/16 Position: 1st

2016/17 Predicted Position: 1st

Key Signing: Asamoah Gyan – the departure of Moussa Sow means the departure of goals, but the league’s best ever striker has joined Al-Ahli on loan and he will partner the clinical Rodrigo Lima. A 4-4-2 with Ribeiro and Al-Hammadi roaming behind them is an interesting prospect.

Key Player: Majed Hassan – the man who keeps play ticking, the man who protects his defence and aids the attack at the same time. Unfortunately for him he was hit by a heavy injury at the end of last season but he’s expected to come back into the side and excel as usual. He’s toppled Amer Abdulrahman as the best defensive midfielder in the league and this may prove another top season for him.

Why should I follow them? With Al-Ahli Dubai you are looking at probably the best side in West Asia (the irony being that they are not even in the 2016 Asian Champions League). Cosmin has proven himself to be one of the best managers in Asian football and with Asian Player of the Year Ahmed Khalil now rooted to the bench because of Asamoah Gyan, it shows you just how strong this side is.

Stadium: Rashid Stadium, Dubai (Capacity: 8,844)



Manager: Zlatko Dalic (Croatia)

2015/16 Position: 2nd

2016/17 Predicted Position: 3rd

Key Signing: Caio Lucas Fernandes – Caio is coming to a cursed position. Ever since the unappreciated Jires Kembo-Ekoko left to Al-Nasr, Al-Ain have been unstable with their wingers even after the arrival of Danillo Asprilla. It’s all because of Ryan Babel, who is probably the worst player to ever play for Al-Ain after the disastrous stint he’s had at the club. Caio is expected to hit the ground running as soon as possible at all costs, or he will be thrown out like Kembo-Ekoko and Babel were.

Key Player: Omar Abdulrahman – Whenever Al-Ain are out of options they turn to this guy. Hell, even when they have options it is Omar “Amoory” Abdulrahman who dictates play and creates chances. He’s even added goals to his game via free-kicks. No matter where Al-Ain are, watching this guy is a must. He is aesthetically pleasing, but also tactically important to the Al-Ain side. 

Why should I follow them? They have Omar Abdulrahman. In theory, it is that simple. However, they also do have the best fan base in the UAE by numbers and alongside that a wonderful stadium to boast.

Stadium: Hazza bin Zayed Stadium, Al-Ain (Capacity: 22,717)



Manager: Mohammad Qwayyed (Syria)

2015/16 Position: 8th

2016/17 Predicted Position: 7th

Key Signing: Omar Ali – The central defender will provide adequate cover for Abdulrahman Yousaf and Issam El-Adoua, providing great experience for the Knights of the West as they look to have a memorable season in the league and in the cups. 

Key Player: Omar Khribin – The Syrian forward set the league alight with 2 goals in 2 games against Al-Ain and Al-Ahli in his debut week, before scoring more across the course of the season to help Al-Dhafra avoid relegation and finish in a respective 8th position under fellow Syrian coach Mohammad Qwayyed. Khribin signed a contract extension until 2020, fending off interest from big clubs in the UAE and Saudi Arabia.

Why should I follow them? They are simply an interesting team to watch and are very ambitious after a wonderful start to 2016. A cup – whether it is in the form of an Arabian Gulf or President’s Cup – is a must for the club who are looking to cement themselves as a top 7 team in the country and aim for consistent development.

Stadium: Hamdan bin Zayed Stadium, Madinat Zayed (Capacity: 5,000)



Manager: Henk Ten Cate (Netherlands)

2015/16 Position: 7th

2016/17 Predicted Position: 6th

Key Signing: Mbark Boussoufa – After a weird season for Thiago Neves in Al-Jazira’s colours the skillful Mbark Boussoufa was signed. He is now expected to fill the void left by Argentinian starlet Manuel Lanzini after his departure to West Ham, but time will tell if Boussoufa is able to forge a consistent run of form across the course of the season. 

Key Player: Ali Mabkhout – The man who helped Al-Jazira to the President’s Cup and improving on their disastrous start to the season. The local forward broke records last season by breaking the 20-goal mark in the league and after it was confirmed that he won’t be leaving to Al-Ain, the Al-Jazira squad looks very strong on paper to do something this season. If there is anybody to save Al-Jazira from a defensive shambles yet again it’s only Ali Mabkhout.

Why should I follow them? Al-Jazira have a great attacking formation once again. Ali Mabkhout, Mbark Boussoufa and possibly Mirko Vucinic in the mix too. However, their defence is a shambles – at least you can expect high scoring games then – and a top 4 finish is still some distance away with Abu Dhabi rivals Al-Wahda still in contention.

Stadium: Mohammad bin Zayed Stadium, Abu Dhabi (Capacity: 42,000)



Manager: Ivan Jovanovic (Serbia)

2015/16 Position: 4th

2016/17 Predicted Position: 2nd

Key Signing: Wanderley – this may not even be the key signing come start of the season as Wanderley is currently banned for 60 days for allegedly having a fake Indonesian passport. Originally Brazilian yet now holding an allegedly fake Indonesian passport because of the needs of the Asian foreign quota – Abdelaziz Barrada (Morocco), Jires Kembo-Ekoko (France) and Jonathan Pitroipa (Burkina Faso) all hold non-Asian passports – Wanderley’s inclusion has put Al-Nasr’s Asian Champions League status on the brink. He did score a brace for Al-Nasr against El-Jaish on his debut in the Asian Champions League quarter-final, but the 3-0 score was overturned after he was found to have held a fake Indonesian passport.

Key Player: Amir Mubarak – an underrated player, but he protects the defence and helps the team escape from the first third when subject to high pressure. He’s not earned a spot in the national team but he’s doing very well for Al-Nasr, and the enforcer seems like he will continue his performances after a great start against El-Jaish.

Why should I follow them? Despite the group of players they possess they are not an entertaining side but with Wanderley things are expected to change. They’re also the only team outside of Al-Ahli and Al-Ain with a real shot at the title. 

Stadium: Al-Maktoum Stadium, Dubai (Capacity: 10,750)



Manager: Fred Rutten (Netherlands)

2015/16 Position: 5th

2016/17 Predicted Position: 9th 

Key Signing: Tomas de Vincenti – the Argentinian playmaker started his Al-Shabab career off with a bang after a scoring a Gerrard-like goal against Ittihad Kalba in the Arabian Gulf Cup. He has to fill the void left by the departing Carlos Villanueva – who stayed at the club for 7 years.

Key Player: Henrique Luvannor – he’s still one of the better wingers in the league and is oh so clinical for Al-Shabab on his day, if they have any chance at going for a top 4 spot it’s got to be when Luvannor strikes up a good run of form.

Why should I follow them? Fred Rutten has come with an unorthodox approach to coaching an Arabian Gulf League team and many are expecting him to get sacked soon. Despite that they have a good batch of young players that will help the team over the course of the season, but fighting for top 4 with a weaker squad is out of the question – for now.

Stadium: Maktoum bin Rashid Al-Maktoum



Manager: Javier Aguirre (Al-Wahda)

2015/16 Position: 3rd

2016/17 Predicted Position: 4th

Key Signing: Balazs Dszudzsak – luckily for Al-Wahda fans, the player’s name in Arabic is as simple as saying “jujack”. Otherwise, they really have signed a big player in this guy. He’ll be taking a spot on either wing – likely to be the right – and provide the goalscoring threat that Al-Wahda needed from the wingers after a modest return of 3 goals from youngster Mohammad Al-Akberi.

Key Player: Sebastian Tagliablue – he is the best striker in the league in terms of goals but the challenge of a fit Rodrigo Lima, Asamoah Gyan and Ali Mabkhout is not your average fight for the golden boot. His lanky figure and odd style of play will be something to watch over the course of the season.

Why should I follow them? Jorge Valdivia, Balazs Dszudzsak and the legendary Emirati forward Ismael Matar supporting the current best striker in the league. Honestly, what more could you ask for?

Stadium: Al-Nahyan Stadium, Abu Dhabi (Capacity: 11,538)



Manager: Rodolfo Arruabarena (Argentina)

2015/16 Position: 6th

2016/17 Predicted Position: 8th 

Key Signing: Helder Barbosa – although he has looked shaky in his first few games, Helder Barbosa is expected to bring back the memories of Ederson, after the nightmares of Rogerinho and Edgar have finally left the club. His input from the left wing and combination with the front 3 of Ronaldo, Lima and Caio will be exciting.

Key Player: Fabio de Lima – Al-Wasl’s source of almost everything from build-up play to goals. When Lima is off form, so are Al-Wasl. They rely on him too much which is the reason for their downfall in the last few years.

Why should I follow them? They arguably have the best fan base in the country (haven’t achieved top 4 status in 8 years but their attendance rates are in the top 4) and their front four is filled with flair, excitement and pure Brazilian-ness.

Stadium: Zabeel Stadium, Dubai (Capacity: 8439)



Manager: Pablo Repetto (Uruguay)

2015/16 Position: 9th

2016/17 Predicted Position: 11th

Key Signing: Felipe Bastos – after the departure of Fawaz Awana and Amer Abdulrahman, Baniyas needed a presence in midfield and they brought the powerhouse in Felipe Bastos on loan from Al-Ain. 

Key Player: Mark Milligan – Baniyas still have Mark Milligan after everything which is a good sign, but the players around him have yet to impress and he will need to do a magnificent job over the course of the season to ensure Baniyas don’t fall into the relegation battle.

Why should I follow them? They have Copa Libertadores finalist Pablo Repetto as their manager, who may strike up an interesting attacking Baniyas side.

Stadium: Baniyas Stadium, Abu Dhabi (Capacity: 9,047)



Manager: Paulo Sergio (Portugal)

2015/16 Position: 10th 

2016/17 Predicted Position: 13th

Key Signing: Nicandro Breeveld – the winger brought from Steaua Bucuresti will be replacing the electric Bakare Kone who was one of the main factors in Dibba’s great escape last season. The standards set for him are high. 

Key Player: No one! – that’s right, every single key Dibba player from last season left the club. Central midfielder Faisal Al-Khaddeim, his brother Tareq Al-Khaddeim, young midfielder Nasser Abdulhadi, the four foreigners that helped keep them up, defenders Qassim and Al-Maeeni to fellow relegation battling clubs, hotshot Sanad Ali and main ‘keeper Humaid Abdulla. The whole starting 11 gone with the wind! 

Why should I follow them? Engineering the Great Escape! 

Stadium: Fujairah Stadium, Fujairah (Capacity: 10,945)



Manager: Theo Bucker (Germany)

2015/16 Position: 12th

2016/17 Predicted Position: 10th

Key Signing: Theo Bucker – the only team in the league that have acquired a manager more important than all their players, Emirates have been very lucky to gain the services of the German-Lebanese manager who will probably die fighting before getting relegated with the team. His high temper is sometimes detrimental to the team but he instills a spirit rarely found with other managers in the region. 

Key Player: Alhasan Saleh – the young left back is technically adept and very good with helping in the build-up for a side that rely mostly on long balls to the attackers. 

Why should I follow them? Theo Bucker managing a side that can be deadly on the counter attack and also donning the tag of relegation battlers is always fun to watch. Dibba and Lebanon were two of his most successful stints and those sides included those tags.

Stadium: Emirates Stadium, Ras Al-Khaimah (Capacity: 5,127)


Manager: Waleed Obaid (UAE)

2015/16 Position: 1st (First Division) 

2016/17 Predicted Position: 12th

Key Signing: Mihai Radut – Hatta’s build-up play has been massively improved since the arrival of Mihai in the defensive midfield role. His technical capabilities will definitely benefit the side which have come from a divison which is very poor in that aspect. Radut has already had an impact on Hatta’s play in the AG Cup.

Key Player: Khalid Al-Balooshi – the central defender is key to shoring up the Hatta back line in what will surely be a tough season. He’s looked more confident on the ball with Radut dropping nearby.

Why should I follow them? This is their first ever season in the top flight during the professional era.

Stadium: Hatta Stadium, Hatta (Capacity: 5,000)



Manager: Fabio Viviano (Italy)

2015/16 Position: 2nd (First Division) 

2016/17 Predicted Position: 14th

Key Signing: Mohammad Al-Khaddeim – the former Ajman player will surely provide Kalba the security needed in central midfield. 

Key Player: Mihai Costea – the striker’s contract renewal gives Kalba hope up front after a dire period in front of goal lately. Fabio Viviano has complained about the lack of a goalscorer despite Costea’s presence in the squad, so he will have to produce another big season for Kalba.

Why should I follow them? Everytime they’ve come up to the top flight during the professional era they have gone straight down. Will they finally get rid of that curse?

Stadium: Ittihad Kalba Stadium, Kalba (Capacity: 8,500)



Manager: Giorgos Donis (Greece) 

2015/16 position: 11th

2016/17 predicted position: 5th. 

Key signing: Gelmin Rivas – The 27 years old Venezuelan striker scored 16 goals for Ittihad in the Saudi League last season, leading them to a Champions League place. An injury ended his Ittihad career but he looks to have recovered and will look to prove Sharjah right in gambling on him. His goals will be vital to fire The King into a much better finish that last season’s lowly 11th place.

Key Player: Jamal Maarouf – Giorgos Donis plays a narrow 4-4-2 diamond formation at Sharjah, which means width will be at dearth. And while Polish playmaker Adrian Mierzejewski will pull the strings from the tip of the diamond, Maarouf will partner Rivas upfront and will look to drift wide to pull opposition defenders off their areas. The 24 years old Emirati is one to watch this season. Expect him to contribute in both scoring and creating chances for his teammates.

Why should I follow them? Sharjah FC are arguably the most exciting prospect of the season. Following a relegation scare last season, the board has injected some much needed cash into the squad, bringing in some top talent from the Saudi League and an experienced manager in former Al-Hilal boss Giorgos Donis to lead the pack. Also, did you know that Donis was the first ever Greek player to play in the English Premier League back in 1996-97 with Blackurn Rovers? Now you do!

Stadium: Sharjah Stadium, Sharjah (Capacity: 11,073)

https://ahdaaf.me/2016/09/16/201617-arabian-gulf-league-preview/feed/ 1
Khamis Esmail registration mistake not the first in UAE Football https://ahdaaf.me/2016/03/09/khamis-esmail-registration-mistake-not-the-first-in-uae-football/ https://ahdaaf.me/2016/03/09/khamis-esmail-registration-mistake-not-the-first-in-uae-football/#comments Wed, 09 Mar 2016 14:10:08 +0000 https://ahdaaf.me/?p=8105 Asian Champions League 2015 runner-up, Al-Ahli, have officially been disqualified from the Arabian Gulf Cup. After a run that saw them top their]]> Asian Champions League 2015 runner-up, Al-Ahli, have officially been disqualified from the Arabian Gulf Cup. After a run that saw them top their group and reach the semi-finals, where they defeated local rivals Al-Shabab, the Disciplinary Committee of the UAEFA announced their elimination due to the ineligibility of new signing Khamis Esmail Zayed from Al-Jazira in January.

Khamis Esmail, the most expensive Emirati player in UAE football.

Khamis Esmail, the most expensive Emirati player in UAE football.

Signed on January 18th 2016, Esmail participated in the Arabian Gulf Cup semi-final against Al-Shabab just 24 hours later as a substitute. In hindsight, it’s a substitute that denied Al-Ahli the chance to add another trophy in their cabinet. Typographical errors were reportedly the issue in Al-Ahli’s paperwork, which was completed in time. Although despite the fact that Al-Ahli claim they should be fined (“a breach of Article 80 was punishable by financial sanction but not the overruling of results”) rather than disqualified, this is not the first or the second time that the UAE league leaders or the UAE football association has made this kind of mistake.

Adnan Hussein, Al-Ahli vs. Al-Wahda | September 20th, 2013

The UAEFA, under the presidency of Yousef Al-Serkal since 2012, held a meeting with its Disciplinary Committee on Thursday the 19th of September. Adnan Hussein was sent off for Al-Ahli in the reserve league during the first week and in the meeting on the following Thursday with the UAEFA Disciplinary Committee, they concluded that Adnan Hussein would be banned for his next competitive domestic match. Yet, the following day he played for Al-Ahli’s senior team as they turned out victors against Al-Wahda.

Adnan Hussein

Adnan Hussein

The reason for the UAEFA’s failure to inform Al-Ahli of the decision according to them was because the following day – when the second matchweek of UAE League was set to commence – was not a working day (Friday). That’s right, the UAEFA didn’t inform Al-Ahli immediately after their meeting of their player who would be banned, and had decided to hold off until they returned to work on Sunday; the day the ordinary working week starts in the United Arab Emirates.

Arif Al-Awani, President of the Board of Directors of Al-Wahda Company at the time, claimed they “were not responsible for the reasons that Al-Ahli weren’t informed about Adnan Hussein’s ban by the UAEFA.” He continued, “myself and everyone else in the sports industry in the UAE knew that Adnan Hussein was banned and as long as the decision was made before the game began, we have a right.” Al-Awani also added that he believed his team should have been awarded 3 points.

However, it was decided that Adnan Hussein would be fined 10,000 AED and banned for 2 matches while the result of Al-Ahli and Al-Wahda stayed intact. A costly mistake made by the UAEFA.

Adnan Hussein, Al-Ahli vs. Al-Dhafra | January 3rd, 2014 

Al-Ahli had defeated Al-Dhafra 3-1, but little did anyone know that substitute Adnan Hussein was actually ineligible after the three yellow cards he received. The rules of the PLC, the Committee of the UAE’s Premier League, state the following: “56.1.1. Players shall be automatically suspended for one (1) match in the competition after obtaining three (3) single yellow cards in the Competition and this suspension shall be served in the same Competition; 

Yet Adnan Hussein – the culprit for a second time in 6 months! – played for Al-Ahli as a late substitute and was completely guilty of it on this occasion. Their win against Al-Dhafra helped them move 6 points ahead of local rivals Al-Shabab in 2nd, but the lead was cut down to 3 points after a decision was made to disqualify Al-Ahli from that match, seeing a forfeit in favour of Al-Dhafra.

Adnan Hussein with Jociel Ciao

Adnan Hussein with Jociel Ciao

The points did not benefit Al-Dhafra, neither did they affect Al-Ahli come the end of the season. Al-Dhafra finished 20 points above the relegation zone and 8 points behind a regional competition spot, so give or take 3 points wouldn’t have changed much. Al-Ahli also won the league ahead of Al-Wahda, ironically, the team that demanded a forfeit from Al-Ahli at the beginning of the 2013-14 season. Although Al-Wahda had no grounds for another complaint by losing out on the title to Al-Ahli, who finished a massive 16 points ahead.

Al-Ahli issued a statement following the second player eligibility issue they had in the space of a year: “We have found out from our weekly meeting to review club related issues that player Adnan Hussein was not supposed to play the match against Al Dhafra as he is suspended with 3 yellow cards that he, and it was a big human error from the team’s secretary that he failed to inform the coach about the suspension therefore we have initiated administrative procedures and taken a review of our internal systems so we can work to prevent a repeat of this serious human error, which is the first of its kind at the club.

“We reach out to our loyal fans and want to show our commitment to ensuring a repeat of such a mistake never happens.”

UAEFA transfer window crisis | October 3rd, 2014

The UAEFA decided to extend the summer transfer window of the 2014-15 season by 2 hours to allow Baniyas to register Mohammad Nasser and Saad Surour, Fujairah to register Ahmed Ibrahim and Ahmed Jumaa for Al-Shaab. The most significant problem came in the form of former Valencia midfielder Hugo Viana, the only foreigner in the list of players needed to be registered past the 11th hour.

FIFA rejected the decision to extend the transfer deadline, putting Al-Serkal and the UAEFA in a tricky situation. The latter had just approved a two-hour extension essentially giving the green light to Al-Wasl, Baniyas, Fujairah and Al-Shaab to do business at such a late stage. While the local players came out from the situation unscathed, it was Viana who went 3 months without football. Viana signed his papers with Al-Ahli confirming the termination of his contract and signed with Al-Wasl after the 11th hour…

The foreign player rule in the UAE and Asia generally allows for 3 foreign players + 1 Asian nationality foreigner to play for a squad, which meant that while the local players were allowed to return to their previous clubs and play there until the end of the transfer window, Hugo Viana was left out in the cold. Yet, despite that rule, the local players too had to suffer a period of time without playing competitive football because of registration issues.

Hugo Viana at Al-Ahli

Hugo Viana at Al-Ahli

Baniyas board member Mohammad Al-Menhali was appalled at the working relationship between the UAEFA and clubs. “We don’t know, we’ve heard only in newspapers, on Twitter and social media but haven’t heard anything from them [the FA], and that’s why we’re really annoyed. We can’t wait anymore. They have to come back to us with a ‘yes, stop them’ or a ‘no, they can play’.”

Mohammad Al-Ameri of Al-Wasl wasn’t happy with the situation either: “We did everything by the book. Right now, the FA’s decision making is very slow, so we’re playing matches with three foreign players, which is unacceptable.

“The FA’s main principle is equality for all clubs, but it’s not equal rights. With all respect, this is an injustice for Al Wasl. The FA said the players shouldn’t participate with their teams, but they don’t have the right to say that.

“The FA are responsible for the registration, but we’re the ones who sign the contracts with the players. It is the club’s decision to change our player.”

Mohammad Sabil, Al-Ahli vs. Al-Nasr | October 10th, 2015

In the 2015-16 Arabian Gulf Cup, the Khamis Esmail situation wasn’t the first problem Al-Ahli endured over the course of their campaign. Mohammad Sabil came in for Al-Ahli to play against Al-Nasr, a match in which Al-Ahli defeated their Dubai rivals 2-0 with Sabil creating one of the goals.

Mohammad Sabil

Mohammad Sabil

Al-Nasr claimed that the player wasn’t registered for the Arabian Gulf Cup, meaning he wasn’t allowed to play for Al-Ahli. This is not the first time this issue popped up, because Sabil was signed in 2012 on a free from Al-Nasr without compensation being paid by Al-Ahli to Al-Nasr for developing the player at the club’s facilities since he was 12 years old.

Nevertheless, the Sabil case was dismissed according to Salim Bahyan Al-Ameri, President of the Appeals Committee, who claimed that there was no truth to the Sabil rumours. “The participation of Mohammad Sabil with Al-Ahli against Al-Nasr is valid, as he has a contract until 2018. We received the confirmation of that back in 2014, and he has a valid playing card too, therefore he is able to participate with Al-Ahli.”

That ended speculation, although after the Khamis Esmail decision made at the beginning of this week, the Sabil case has resurfaced and Al-Nasr don’t want to back down after Al-Shabab got what was essentially a free pass into the final due to Khamis Esmail’s ineligibility.

Oussama Assaidi, Al-Ahli vs. Al-Hilal | 20th October, 2015

Once again, a substitute brought trouble for both Al-Ahli with the UAEFA at fault for the whole situation occurring despite Al-Hilal’s complaint and appeal being dismissed. Yet Oussama Assaidi, the man who could barely get a game at Liverpool came on for Al-Ahli in the AFC Champions League semi-final second leg against Al-Hilal. Al-Ahli were tied at 2-2, out on away goals after being held 1-1 in Riyadh.

Oussama Assaidi: from red to red

Oussama Assaidi: from Reds to Red Knights

Oussama Assaidi’s introduction didn’t do Al-Ahli too much, but in the end he did play a role – albeit a very limited one – in helping Kwon Kyung-Won score a 95th minute winner against Al-Hilal. The whole nation erupted after that goal, with it being the first time an Emirati team reached the final since Al-Ain in 2004.

The happiness was halted a day later when serious concerns surrounded the participation of Oussama Assaidi, who played in the previous round against Naft Tehran complaint-free. The issue began with the signing of Moussa Sow.

Al-Ahli had all of Everton Ribeiro, Kwon Kyung-Won, Rodrigo Lima, Humam Tariq, Jociel Ciao, Moussa Sow and Oussama Assaidi in their ranks as foreigners. Humam Tariq was sent out on loan, Ciao not fit to play after a year-long injury and Moussa Sow who had arrived too late for the AFC Champions League registration window. Therefore it was decided: Oussama Assaidi would join Ribeiro, Lima and Kwon in Asia as the foreigner quartet while Moussa Sow played in the league.

No one, including the AFC and Naft Tehran, seemed to have an issue with what happened. Yet Al-Hilal managed to lodge a complaint and gain serious attention towards what they were doing. The pressure on both Yousef Al-Serkal and Al-Ahli mounted as the UAEFA had deleted Oussama Assaidi’s records off of their website (as Assaidi was no longer a player associated with UAE Football, just representing Al-Ahli continentally) making Al-Hilal’s argument seem concrete.

Al-Hilal continued, lodging an appeal to the Court of Arbitration for Sport after the AFC rejected their complaint, to no avail. Yousef Al-Serkal had pompously congratulated Al-Ahli on their qualification to the final via his Twitter account, leaving Al-Hilal fans bewildered. Despite Al-Ahli’s win off the field, this posed a serious problem as to whether both the UAEFA and Al-Ahli are being run professionally.

Khamis Esmail | March 2016

After two years of mistakes made by both Al-Ahli and the UAEFA, one wonders how long will this saga go on for. Many people place the blame on Al-Ahli who seem to be the only club involved in every single situation over the last couple of years. However, the finger is also being pointed at the UAEFA by the media, the fans and the board of directors with the reason being that the UAEFA should be handling everything from top to bottom.

The infamous Esmail substitution.

The infamous Esmail substitution.

With the UAEFA Presidential Elections coming in thick and fast and Yousef Al-Serkal running for presidency once again, time (and a change at the top seat) will tell if the decisions being made are a result of his management or simply a clear lack of coordination between clubs and the UAEFA.

*All quotes obtained by The National

https://ahdaaf.me/2016/03/09/khamis-esmail-registration-mistake-not-the-first-in-uae-football/feed/ 0
AHDAAF END OF YEAR AWARDS – 2015 https://ahdaaf.me/2016/01/01/ahdaaf-end-of-year-awards/ https://ahdaaf.me/2016/01/01/ahdaaf-end-of-year-awards/#comments Fri, 01 Jan 2016 11:43:11 +0000 https://ahdaaf.me/?p=7435 Ahdaaf Manager of the Year – 2015

In this article we have two awards that have been decided by Ahdaaf members and fans]]> Ahdaaf Manager of the Year – 2015

In this article we have two awards that have been decided by Ahdaaf members and fans across the world. First of all, the manager of the year award was contested by Yahya Golmohammadi (Zob Ahan), Cosmin Olaroiu (Al-Ahli Dubai), Christian Gross (Al-Ahli Jeddah) and Zlatko Dalic (Al-Ain.) It seems that Cosmin Olaroiu’s Asian Champions League run was enough to get the fans on his side, as his Al-Ahli side bounced back from a disastrous first half to the year to embark on a historical period:

Cosmin Olaroiu.

Cosmin Olaroiu.

Cosmin’s 2015 in numbers:

Trophies: 1 – U.A.E Super Cup

Total: P – 51 W – 27 D – 14 L – 10

First Half of 2015: P – 27 W – 12 D – 7 L – 7

Second Half of 2015: P – 24 W – 15 D – 6 L – 3

  • Cosmin and Al-Ahli have only lost 3 out of their last 24 games
  • Taking out the AG Cup (second-tier cup in the U.A.E), Cosmin has won in 13 of his last 18 games
  • Cosmin’s Al-Ahli were the first team to inflict defeat on Al-Hilal in 2015-16
  • Cosmin’s Al-Ahli were the only team to avoid defeat at the King Fahd Stadium in Riyadh during 2015-16 until their namesake Al-Ahli Jeddah defeated Al-Hilal there 2 weeks ago
  • Al-Ahli have averaged 2.75 goals per game in the league over the course of 2015-16

Ahdaaf Player of the Year – 2015

With 16 nominees hailing from the 4 best leagues in the Middle East – U.A.E, Saudi Arabia, Iran and Qatar – it would only come down to the final four by January the 1st, 2016. The final four were predicted to have made it by the Ahdaaf team, but we needed the fans’ opinions via the Twitter polls to see how Middle Eastern football followers see it. Here are the final four, with the winner being announced last:

Yasser Al-Shahrani – Al-Hilal, Saudi Arabia

Yasser Al-Shahrani may be an odd choice for many, but when a full back wins the hearts of millions then there must be a reason. Place him on the right, place him on the left, Al-Shahrani will always perform. It even came to a point where fans were praising him for his performances that were even better on the left hand side as opposed to his favoured right.


Although done by the vote of many Al-Hilal fans and possibly not fully deserved, Yasser Al-Shahrani was crowned the best GCC Player of the Year at the Dubai Globe Soccer Awards. He overcame the likes of Mohammad Al-Sahlawi and Omar Abdulrahman to be crowned as the GCC POTY and did the same yesterday when he turned out victor over Al-Sahlawi, Yaseen Hamza and Al-Ahli’s Syrian starlet Omar Al-Soma.

The only question is how far will Al-Shahrani go? We know how GCC players are often reluctant to play abroad. His place on the cover of FIFA 16 Middle East was another achievement he earned, and that will no doubt have increased his popularity, but it will only count if he can form a good cause for a move abroad. With his shy character, it’s unlikely that we will ever see Al-Shahrani ever ply his trade away from Al-Hilal.

Hassan Al-Haydos – Al-Sadd, Qatar

Hassan Al-Haydos is our 2015 Qatar Player of the Year and it’s no big surprise. The 26 year old had an impressive calendar year, leading from the front for both club and country. It started with a blip, Qatar going out at the Asian Cup group stage although Al-Haydos scored a goal. As the year progressed, however, he grew in stature and achieved a number of personal bests – scoring in the league, cup and Asia for the first time before ending the 2014/15 season with a career high 17 goals. To top it all, QFA went on to name him Player of the Season in May.Haydos

With the start of the new 2015/16 season, Al-Haydos has continued in a similar vein of form, scoring 4 goals and making 3 assists so far for Al-Sadd. At the international level, he celebrated getting the captain’s armband by netting five times for Qatar and leading the team to a 100% record in the World Cup/Asian Cup qualifiers after 6 matches. It ensured that Qatar became the first team to reach the 2019 Asian Cup and the fourth round of World Cup qualifiers. 

Mehdi Taremi – Persepolis, Iran 

Mehdi Taremi is 2015’s Persian Gulf Pro League Player of the Year. Taremi was discovered by Ali Daei and transferred from Iran’s Azadegan League (2nd Tier) to Persian Gulf Pro League’s Persepolis. He went on to impress the fans with great performances against Saba and Esteghlal at the end of 2014, which made him a regular starter for the Reds in 2015.Mehdi Taremi

He impressed Perspolis’s fans with his performances in the Asian Champions League, giving an amazing back-heel assist to Persepolis’s deceased captain – Hadi Norouzi – against Lekhwiya, and scoring a beautiful chip penalty against Al-Nassr. He was also praised for intelligently assisting Al-Hilal’s Digao who scored an own goal (Perspolis’s winner) against themselves in the Azadi Stadium.

He earned a call up to Iran’s National Team (Team Melli) and impressed all Iranians with his great performances and perfect chemistry with Azmoun. He also scored an impressive amount of 5 Goals in 7 Games for Iran.

He has been criticized for his “finishing” throughout the 2015/16 Persian Gulf Pro League season, but it seems like he is improving in the last couple of games. Regardless of the criticisms about his finishing, he is Persian Gulf Pro League’s 2015/16 leading top scorer until now with 10 Goals (2 more than Beitsaeid in the 2nd place).

Taremi also gets many penalties for Persepolis and Iran (against teams like Bunyodkor, Al-Nassr in ACL – Saipa, Zob Ahan, and many other teams in Persian Gulf Pro League, and Guam in the International games). Taremi’s movement off the ball is also incredible and he has amazing decision making which has been evident in games like: Perspolis vs. Lekhwiya, Tehran Derby, Iran vs. Guam, etc.

He has amazing potential and could become one of Iran’s best players (with many comparing him to the likes of Ali Daei and Vahid Hashemian), and he also has received good offers from European teams. However, he has claimed that he wants to stay in Perspolis for the remainder of the season and will most likely move to Europe in the summer of 2016.

AHDAAF Player of the Year

Omar Abdulrahman – Al-Ain, U.A.E


Despite enduring a 2015 that was topped by Ahmed Khalil in terms of awards and team achievement, Omar also known as “Amoory” had a wonderful year and his fans were behind him as always. With a majority of the votes from the United Arab Emirates going to Amoory himself, we are going to look at why he’s deserved so and not just due to his fuzzy hair and the large fan base that follows him.


Omar Abdulrahman on the PES 2016 cover.

By and large, the best creator in the region (aesthetically and statistically), it’s a certain shame that Amoory’s 2015 lacked a lethal striker. Asamoah Gyan was injured during the early stages of 2015 before moving to Shanghai in the summer, while Emmanuel Emenike failed to replace Gyan by any means. That hasn’t stopped Omar from scoring himself, and continuing with his creative duties. The partnership that he has struck up with his brother, Mohammad, recently is also another thing to look out for.

In the end, he lost out to Ahmed Khalil for the AFC Player of the Year title and the GCC Player of the Year award to Yasser Al-Shahrani, but that hasn’t taken anything away from his on-pitch performances that helped Al-Ain to the 2014-15 AG League title and being crowned as the 2015-16 Winter Champions of the AG League.

With recent figures claiming that he earns almost $4m a year in wages (excl. bonuses and advertising), it’s no wonder that the player has not even thought about plying his trade in the lower European leagues. Although with Omar only being 24 years old at the time of writing, he still has many years ahead and we hope he continues.

Omar Abdulrahman in 2015:

Games – Club: 34

National Team Caps: 13

Goals: 7

Assists: 25

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A Night At MBZ: Where Did The Fans Go? https://ahdaaf.me/2015/12/13/in-the-stands/ https://ahdaaf.me/2015/12/13/in-the-stands/#comments Sun, 13 Dec 2015 15:03:04 +0000 https://ahdaaf.me/?p=7361  

It’s a cool Sunday night in the Emirati capital Abu Dhabi. A gentle breeze enters through the half-opened car window as I]]>  

It’s a cool Sunday night in the Emirati capital Abu Dhabi. A gentle breeze enters through the half-opened car window as I drive along 19th street towards the Mohammed Bin Zayed Stadium.

Earlier in the day, I checked today’s fixtures in the Arabian Gulf League and found myself spoiled for choice as three matches take place within a radius of 20 kilometres from my home. Al-Wahda, Al-Jazira and Baniyas are all playing at home this week, a rare coincidence. Partly driven by the lack of any worthy European league games that day on TV, I decide to get a dose of live local football. This time, I tell myself, I’m not going into the media box as usual. Rather, I will wear the hat of the average Abu Dhabian fan spending an evening out enjoying a home game. Convenience and a certain affection to the MBZ stadium meant that my pick for the night was to watch midtable Al-Jazira host Dubai based Al-Nasr who are fighting for a Champions League spot. Far from being the pinnacle of local football, this is a real embodiment of an ordinary league match.

“Fans” queue to enter the “Borealis Stand” at MBZ Stadium

15 minutes ahead of kick-off, I arrive to a fairly empty carpark just outside the capital’s most modern stadium. Think of a typical European football night; fans are arriving into the game in groups, walking to the stadium from the nearby train station, donning their team colours and holding scarves they probably bought just outside the stadium. Now, completely delete this thought off your head. There are no trains in Abu Dhabi. Few locals, all men in their 20s and 30s, are arriving around the same time; disembarking off their 4x4s and Porsches, smartly dressed in Kanduras, many of them wrapping traditional Hamdaniyas around their heads. One or two are snapchatting their way into the gate. I leave my media pass in my back pocket, just in case, and head to the ticket box. There is no queue; no questions asked, the Arab expat manning the counter casually hands me a ticket and gets back to his WhatsApp conversation as a smile returns to his face. I almost feel apologetic for interrupting his online amusement!

The ticket category reads 10 Dirhams but I need not to worry about that. At least, I bothered to come with no one paying me for it. I navigate a line of Indian & Pakistani blue-collar workers being brought in yellow school buses to watch the game, some of them seem pleased to be here in this lovely late November evening, a few others clearly would have rather liked to be in their beds recovering from a long day of manual labour or even watching cricket instead of football. Five minutes later, I’m making my way up the “Borealis stand”, the northern stand at MBZ stadium is named after Europe’s second largest polymers manufacturer, partially owned by Abu Dhabi government and one of the main sponsors of Al Jazira FC.

Parking Al Jazira bus loads fans ahdaaf

Buses lined up at the car park outside MBZ Stadium where they bring in hundreds of migrant workers to cheer on Al Jazira

There are roughly a thousand fans in the stand. A group of school age local kids in the first few rows and the workers I just came across filled up the remaining seats. The crowd is led by two local lead singers; one banging on a drum and the other shouting into a megaphone a generic “Alayhom..Alayhom”, a marching chant that could be heard in any pitch across the Middle East. You can’t tell which team are they supporting, and for what it’s worth many of the “fans” present don’t know either.

The locals take their seats away from this central “loud” crowd, after all there are plenty of seats to choose from in this 42,000 all seater stadium. I snap a few pictures then make my way up to the top row. I spot three Caucasian men seemingly enjoying the game, being the unusual sight it is in this part of the world, curiosity gets the best of me and I head to have a conversation with them. Richard greets me with a distinctive Scouse accent, he lives in Abu Dhabi and frequents Al-Jazira’s home games. He finds joy in analysing the tactics and discovering players he might have come across in Europe in the past, he points at Al-Nasr’s Chilean attacker Luis Jimenez, “This lad played for West Ham, didn’t he?”, exclaims Richard, joyed to share his most recent discovery in the Arabian Gulf League. I nod in agreement and exchange a few remarks with Richard about the state of local football and Al-Jazira’s chaotic tactics under manager Abel Braga. “It’s League One or maybe League two level”, he declares. This evening, Richard is accompanied by his brother and their father, both of which are visiting from the UK. “My father is a York City fan”, he introduces me to his old man. The trio are enjoying boys night out watching football in this pleasant weather. “Would you say the lack of beer is a deterrence to attending local football games here?” I ask, driven by a remark recently spelt to a colleague by a member of the league’s organizing committee, the PLC. Richard seems baffled by this notion as he responds: “Not really, I wasn’t expecting it to be available anyway!” I shake hands with the boys from Liverpool and take a seat elsewhere to watch as the 2015 Asian Cup’s top goalscorer Ali Mabkhout singlehandedly overturned a 2-0 first half deficit to bring the hosts level. His heroics would go in vain as former Villarreal & Lyon starlet Nilmar delivers a second half winner for the visitors.

Away fans Al Nasr

The travelling fans are restricted to a tiny area at the corner of the stadium.

The few hundred travelling fans cornered in an enclosed section of the “Arabtec Stand” are now louder than the home crowd as many of the locals start leaving with their team trailing 10 minutes to the final whistle. By the time the electronic board announced 3,820 fans in attendance, half of them were already gone. Gate receipts are non-existent since tickets go for free, but Al-Jazira don’t care. They have the backing of Abu Dhabi owned International Petroleum Investments Company (IPIC), most recently in the news for agreeing a $25 million dollar deal for the naming rights of Real Madrid’s Santiago Bernabeu Stadium. This support enables them to attract players in the mould of Mirko Vucinic, Jefferson Farfan and Manuel Lanzini (currently on loan at West Ham). Incidentally, I arrive home that night to watch highlights of West Ham’s 4-1 demolition by Spurs where the Argentine helped himself to a fourth Premier League goal this season to further raise his stock in England. Al-Jazira look sure to make a profit on their $10m investment in the South American youngster with Jurgen Klopp’s Liverpool the latest to be associated with Al-Jazira’s talisman.

“The pride of Abu Dhabi” may be one of the most financially stable clubs in the world, but will their financial strength ever succeed in bringing real fans? Many clubs across the country are asking themselves the same question and unless fundamental changes are made, it’s not looking likely in the near future.


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VIDEO: Domestic Weekly Review | December 1-5 https://ahdaaf.me/2015/12/09/video-domestic-weekly-review-december-1-5/ https://ahdaaf.me/2015/12/09/video-domestic-weekly-review-december-1-5/#comments Wed, 09 Dec 2015 14:56:05 +0000 https://ahdaaf.me/?p=7355


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VIDEO: Domestic Weekly Review | November 20-25 https://ahdaaf.me/2015/11/27/video-domestic-weekly-review-november-20-25/ https://ahdaaf.me/2015/11/27/video-domestic-weekly-review-november-20-25/#comments Fri, 27 Nov 2015 11:12:47 +0000 https://ahdaaf.me/?p=7339


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Al-Ahli (UAE) look to future post-AFCCL Final loss https://ahdaaf.me/2015/11/22/al-ahli-uae-look-to-future-post-afccl-final-loss/ https://ahdaaf.me/2015/11/22/al-ahli-uae-look-to-future-post-afccl-final-loss/#comments Sun, 22 Nov 2015 17:02:04 +0000 https://ahdaaf.me/?p=7326 It was absolutely unthinkable for Al-Ahli to be in this position, looking back 6 months ago. Al-Ahli were on the verge of elimination]]> It was absolutely unthinkable for Al-Ahli to be in this position, looking back 6 months ago. Al-Ahli were on the verge of elimination from the Asian Champions League group stages for yet another time and they had, long ago, waved goodbye to the very league title that they clinched in 2013-14.

Come November 2015 and they looked forward to the biggest match in their existence against none other than Asian giants Guangzhou Evergrande. More so, their bid for the Arabian Gulf League title was as strong as ever. In addition to all of these advantages, Al-Ahli possessed a lethal striker and an undefeated record across 14 games since their heartbreaking loss to Al-Nasr in the UAE President’s Cup Final in June.

Guangzhou would be the next team to beat them, very narrowly. Although the Chinese outfit dominated for more than 50% of both legs, Al-Ahli didn’t succumb to any of the pressure. I say Al-Ahli as a team, but Salmeen Khamis was guilty as an individual. Usually a rock at the back, tactically aware and growing by the day – he hasn’t looked back since nodding the winner against Al-Ain during the UAE Super Cup in early 2015.

Ismaeel Al-Hammadi (right) fights off Zhang Linpeng. (AFP)

Ismaeel Al-Hammadi (right) fights off Zhang Linpeng. (AFP)

In the 2nd leg of the Asian Champions League Final, in China, Khamis failed to prove himself. Usually the stage for a player of Salmeen’s calibre and age to impress, his anger got the better of him for the second time in less than a year to see himself receive a red card in a crucial game.

Retrospectively, Khamis created problems for Al-Ahli in defence. It was Khamis who allowed Elkeson to face Ahmed Dida one-on-one in the first minute of the game (only for the latter to slip in front of goal). It was also Khamis that isolated himself while pressing from the defensive line. This allowed Elkeson and Huang Bowen to overload him, both successfully combining to score the only goal of the game for Guangzhou.

With Al-Ahli just a goal away from glory – as their stalemate in the first leg of the final helped them with the away goals rule – it was Khamis who decided it was time to increase the level of aggression to no avail. Khamis was sent packing by Ravshan Irmatov and this forced Cosmin to shift relatively inexperienced defensive midfielder Humaid Abbas into the right side of defence.

Yet regardless of the end result, which Guangzhou saw out at 1-0, Al-Ahli proved their credentials as dark horses. Nobody expected Al-Ahli to make it out of the group stages let alone win the whole tournament, but it is Cosmin Olaroiu’s grit and determination that has been the basis of their success. His trust in youth is also remarkable in the region. Keep in mind that Al-Ahli have been playing with 3 foreigners for most of their AFCCL campaign, as opposed to the norm of using all four foreigners.

Majed Hassan (centre) battles Ailton Almeida with the help of Salmeen Khamis.

Majed Hassan (centre) battles Ailton Almeida with the help of Salmeen Khamis.

It is this trust that Olaroiu has instilled in his local lads that led to Al-Ahli’s success. Besides the final game, Salmeen Khamis had a memorable year. Majed Hassan is knocking on the door of being the 3rd best player in the UAE ahead of Ali Mabkhout, Habib Fardan is justifying the hefty price tag he was bought for and Abdulaziz Sanqour has played a fine part in the team this year. In addition to the group, are Ismaeel Al-Hammadi and AFC Player of the Year Nominee Ahmed Khalil. Yet the biggest and most underrated success story has to go to fluent English speaker Ahmed Mahmoud ‘Dida’.

It is his nickname that already sticks out. For such a common name in the Middle East, Ahmed Mahmoud is distinguished by the nickname of legendary Brazilian goalkeeper Dida. For a goalkeeper who played second fiddle to Majed Nasser, he didn’t warrant such a worthy nickname. Or so everyone thought. Majed Nasser’s ban gave way to Dida making his name on the league stage and the biggest stage of them all at his level: the Asian Champions League. All of this had deservedly earned him a place in the Emirati National Team.


Ahmed Mahmoud ‘Dida’

The average age for all of those local players mentioned is 25. Add to that the young foreigners in Kwon Kyung-Won (23) and Everton Ribeiro (26), who challenge the norm of golden oldies spending their time in the region. So, as Cosmin Olaroiu says, “the AFCCL Final is a start, not the end for fantastic Al-Ahli”.

The final question posed to Cosmin Olaroiu and his team: Will we see a West Asian side reach the heights of Guangzhou with a plan and development system? Al-Ahli are in the making of such a team, but only if Cosmin Olaroiu stays – yet this has been his longest reign in the Middle East: 864 days at the time of writing.

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